05 September 2006

how to make paper fly

How to make paper fly.

September, nine million square feet of office space.

Step one: fold the paper in half. It doesn’t have to be any particular size,
just big enough to fold.

Ninety percent air, ten percent building.

Step two: open the paper & fold the left top corner diagonally towards the middle, along the vertical fold made in step one. Repeat with the top right corner.

Two 767 airplanes 137 tons.

Step three: fold the top left corner diagonally towards the middle again along the
vertical fold made earlier. Repeat with the right side.

Two flashes thirty six minutes apart

Step four: fold the mirroring sides into itself along the first horizontally folded line.

Twin ten second pulses, the south tower at 9:59, the north at 10:28.

Step five: make wings by folding an edge along the entire paper from angled nose
to square tail.

it rained office paper all day.

Step six: throw.

1 comment:

Stephen Imperato said...

yep. this is the one