i love the top picture. an inverted tree with bare branches. an inverted building with flames coming out of the windows.
these pictures show a great concept of opposites. was amy instructed to draw a tree and a building and then the inverse of a tree and a building? theyre both shown rightside-up and alive and then upside-down and dead. i particularly like the skyscraper one.
will that be the mental image of skyscrapers for every child of this generation? the perceptions of children are incredible.
The exchange was like this: Amy what do the words on this page say? "Tree, building." Than that is what you should draw. When she finished I said why don't you flip the paper over and draw another tree. She said "I will draw one in winter." The bottom skyscraper she drew on fire. I don't know why.
ill tell you why she drew the bottom skyscraper on fire:
i have this wierd feeling that when we grow up, people of our generation will be telling their children about about 911 and the whole war on terror with the same grave voice as our parents when they told us about things like the holocaust, vietnam, and the jfk assassination. unless, of course, your parents were conspiracy theorists, anti-semites, or war veterans. i plan to be a conspiracy theorist kind of dad.
click on picture to enlarge.
click on bottom right corner to make bigger.
i love the top picture.
an inverted tree with bare branches.
an inverted building with flames coming out of the windows.
these pictures show a great concept of opposites. was amy instructed to draw a tree and a building and then the inverse of a tree and a building? theyre both shown rightside-up and alive and then upside-down and dead. i particularly like the skyscraper one.
will that be the mental image of skyscrapers for every child of this generation? the perceptions of children are incredible.
The exchange was like this: Amy what do the words on this page say? "Tree, building." Than that is what you should draw. When she finished I said why don't you flip the paper over and draw another tree. She said "I will draw one in winter." The bottom skyscraper she drew on fire. I don't know why.
woah, this is great. i love how kids' minds work. have you gotten your surprise in the mail, yet?
they hand delivered the surprises; a lump of clay resembeling a stale dunkin dounuts munchkin & coloured pictures from CARS.
ill tell you why she drew the bottom skyscraper on fire:
i have this wierd feeling that when we grow up, people of our generation will be telling their children about about 911 and the whole war on terror with the same grave voice as our parents when they told us about things like the holocaust, vietnam, and the jfk assassination. unless, of course, your parents were conspiracy theorists, anti-semites, or war veterans. i plan to be a conspiracy theorist kind of dad.
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