a goalkeeper can protect from
long winded. Though
compressing information for
buttons or speech is part of
the game.
to hold memories. creating a construction
for the loss.
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa “cannot say dime bag onTV”
spoiled & edited language.
a freeze. to mine for information.
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa “commanding all his time.”
muffins. where you pull the meaning from. a setup for Koreans.
Questions. scale drawings. dissent. Freak appearances. conversation
narration--indoor sunflowers, eyes of fire with
tendencies repeated.
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa “Oh, my.”
what are you doing here. I’m hockey. a fifteen minute
break. or missing. & running. a zamboni clean of jealousy.
quote the beach boys. on timing.
"Sports = eating.”
& moving on. the treatment of a number one girl. beyond
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa “An intelligence gap of monumental proportions.”
not so veiled relations. or
a new daddy instead of elegy.
Purple is the man’s colour.
to be above plastic
vision. not so iced tea.
frame a flicker (a person
a moment, love, a
memory) in concrete:
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa “Add a library. Or a solarium.”
it would make a great Christmas story. or Thanksgiving. or
people coming together. much like a play by Moliere.
leftovers. some variation of
the truth. & another pensive fadeout.
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa “Two words: jogging suit.”
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