28 February 2006


time escape unedited hands free listing capabilities
am i wasting yours mine and hours?
the sunni VS shi'ite
pckn out the times

lines of forecast bordered summers
do you get mad when criminals who are guilty are not convicted?

perhaps if you lived within a frame a tiny
photograph of my great grandfather enginer henry i imagine his name to be
pipe in mouth sepia tones full face in the cab of an elevated line in Queens

its transient its paper wirlwinds and soviet attack codes

perhaps not

its a feeling that something inside must be done and completed and said and revealed
a feeling that it could work out if i just found the wording
if i made a form inventive enough
to speak on its own
without my interface
with just you with just darts with just strings & perceptions & simple
formulaic relieve of quantitative emotions
haircuts at john the barbers shop with dubble bubble
always a mushroom
6th grade hair don't done again and again


1 comment:

ehammelshaver said...

nice contrasts of states of mind/time. i like when it gets repetitive and develops a rhythm: "a feeling...a feeling" and "with just...with just." using & for and is good. connective words bog us down. that poet - moure? - i'd like to see what she does with parentheses.