06 June 2006

real world

the first tuesday of the month at 7 pm
i will cover
for the hearthstone town and country,
"serving the upper perkiomen valley for 108 years"

the bally borough council meeting
"we like to keep the meetings short and simple," said brenda,
council secretary, who wore a leapord print shirt
and looked bored the whole meeting

with four pages of notes and quotes
an hour and a half of handicapped parking and
rogue ballpark baseball debacles

i'll write the article tonight
300 words for $30
before the 9 am deadline tomorrow morning
like a real journalist
although they'll probably cut my lead
"the borough of bally council is knee-deep in sludge"

why aren't there internships
that pay
for poetry?


Stephen Imperato said...

a teacher once told me that poetry is worth less than the paper it's printed on. the ultimate noble pursuit.
nobody makes money writing (or printing, for that matter) poetry anymore. it's all just for fun and the poet's personal satisfaction.
i think the government should help fund programs for artists and writers so there actually is some money out there to be made in poetry, fiction, art, et cetera. that'd be great.

silverline said...

there are certain grants avalible for artists & poets, like remeber the one amri baraka got or still gets & many a person protest it because they don't like him & whatnot.

but i like the play of this poem. it is at times a journal entry but with the italics seemingly lifted from your notes & assignments it adds a comment track or an unfolding of the events that are said normally, a colouring on of the lines. thats what i like about this one.