08 August 2006

telephone 1

addicted to the telephone
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa tetherphone
i am always a phone call away
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa never away
just in case my car breaks
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa down

the sweat crackle of her voice
(it actually sounds different)
& i am ever seeking the
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa sound of sweetness
aaaaaaaaaa giddy cute talking to animals & babies voice

that is the closest thing to
a smile i can get--
the intonation the
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa reflection--
bounced off of clouds & filtered
through the cosmic microwave background

an invisible (time elapsed) embrace.


Stephen Imperato said...

"cosmic microwave background" is the most important part of this poem. the beginning deals with the phone and its connective properties etc. then in the next to last line, it completely departs from the whole personal connection of talking on the phone and gets all technical and computeristic about it. nothing emotioal in that line, only technical. and it sets up the last line perfectly, which closes with a blend of the technical and the personal. delightfully crafted. it creates a charming suprise there at the end.

ehammelshaver said...

steve hits it right on the nose. to me, the last line is the best, but only because it's set up so well with the technicality of the previous line. i also really like the first stanza a lot because of the baby-contrasts you create, without actually implying a contrast. nice.